Medieval France

My highly recommended favorites are bolded. Sorry they’re not always in English. C’est la vie.

Sources for Medieval France

Fudeman, Kirsten Anne. Vernacular Voices: Language and Identity in Medieval French Jewish Communities. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010.

Winer, Rebecca Lynn. Women, Wealth, and Community in Perpignan, c. 1250-1300: Mediterranean Town. Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2006.

Jordan, William C. Ideology and Royal Power in Medieval France: Kingship, Crusades, and the Jews. Aldershot; Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2001.

Kanarfogel, Ephraim. Jewish Education and Society in the High Middle Ages. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1992.

Shatzmiller, Joseph. Shylock Reconsidered: Jews, Moneylending, and Medieval Society. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.

Negotiating Community and Difference in Medieval Europe:, edited by Smith, Katherine Allen. Wells. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2009.

Chazan, Robert. The Jews of Medieval Western Christendom, 1000-1500. Cambridge, UK ; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Anton, Maggie. Rashi’s Daughters. Glendale, Calif.: Plume c2005.

Golb, Norman. The Jews in Medieval Normandy: A Social and Intellectual History. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Taitz, Emily. The Jews of Medieval France: The Community of Champagne. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994.

Chazan, Robert. Medieval Jewry in Northern France; a Social and Political. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press [1973].

Clanchy, M. T. From Memory to Written Record, England 1066-1307. 2nd ed. ed.Oxford, UK ; Cambridge, USA: Blackwell, 1993.

Renoux, Annie, and Centre national de la recherche scientifique. GDR 94. Palais Médiévau. Publications De l’Université Du Maine. Le Mans (France): Université du Maine, 1994.

De Roover, Raymond. Business, Banking, and Economic Thought in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974.

Falk, Ze´ev W. Jewish Matrimonial Law in the Middle Ages. Scripta Judaica.6. London: Oxford University Press, 1966.

de Charny, Geoffroi, and Steven Muhlberger. Jousts and Tournaments: Charny and the Rules for Chivalric Sport in Fourteenth-Century France. Union City, Calif: Chivalry Bookshelf, forthcoming.

Cripps-Day, Francis Henry. The History of the Tournament. New York: AMS Press, 1982.

Goglin, Jean-Marc. Vivre a` Rouen Au Moyen Age. Condé-sur-Noireau: Editions Charles Corlet, 2004.

La Foire. Recueils De La Société  Jean Bodin, 5. Bruxelles: Éditions de la Librairie Encyclopedique, 1953.

Veissière, M. Histoire De Provins Et de sa région. Toulouse: Privat, 1988.

Roserot, A.  Dictionnaire Historique De La Champagne Meridionale (Aube) Des Origines à 1790. Marseille: Laffitte Reprints, 1983.

Schwab, M. “Documents Pour Servir a l’Histoire Des Juifs De France.” Revue Des Etudes Juives 11, (1885): 141-149.

Marchandisse, A., and J. -L Kupper. A l’Ombre Du Pouvoir: Les Entourages Princiers Au Moyen Age. Actes Du Colloque International Qui s’est Tenue  Liège En Mai 2000. Liège: Bibliothèque de la faculté de philosophie et lettres de l’université de Liège, 2003.

Herman, S. Medieval Usury and the Commercialization of Feudal Bonds. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1993.

Musée des beaux-arts de Troyes. Troyes, Ses Fortifications: Portes, Tours, Arches: Musée Des Beaux-Arts, 19 Mars-3 Octobre 1988. Troyes, France: Edition des musées de Troyes, 1988.

Morin, A. La Topographie Historique De La Ville De Troyes (Intra-Muros). Troyes: Société académique de l’Aube, 1983.

Mesqui, J. Provins: La Fortification d’Une Ville Au Moyen Age. Genève: Droz, 1979. è

Blumenkranz, B., and M. Lâevy. Bibliographie Des Juifs En France. Toulouse: E. Privat, 1973.

Blumenkranz, B. “Une Source De l’Histoire Medievale Des Juifs En France: Les Cartulaires.” Archives Juives 3, (1966): 21-22.

Blumenkranz, B. “Anti-Jewish Polemics and Legislation in the Middle Ages: Literary Fiction Or Reality.” Journal of Jewish Studies 15, (1964): 10/28/2005-140, (accessed 10/12/2005).

Bloch, F. “Quelques Notes Sur Les Vexations Des Juifs Au Moyen Age Dans Le Midi (Ixe-Xiiie s.).” Archives Israelites De France 60, (1899): 146-147.

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